In accordance with Section 73 of the Local Government Act 2020 and Council's Community Engagement Policy, we are seeking feedback on a proposal to amend the Moira Shire Council Use of the Common Seal and Council Meeting Local Law No 1 2021 (Local Law).
The purpose of the Local Law
The proposed amendment
Document Library
Under the current Local Law, the common seal can only be applied to section 173 Agreements by resolution of Council which creates an additional step in the execution of these Agreements. As a consequence, this also increases the processing time involved in finalising Planning Permits and creates administrative inefficiencies for the organisation.
The Moira Shire Council Use of the Common Seal and Conduct at Council Meetings (Amendment) Local Law 2024 (Amendment Local Law) will seek to reduce that administrative burden by authorising the CEO to affix the common seal, avoiding the need for a prior Council resolution.