Council is seeking feedback on it's draft Privacy Policy.
The purpose of this policy is to outline Council’s commitment to compliance with its obligations under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, Health Records Act 2001 and Information Privacy Principles for the collection, management, and disclosure of personal information.
The new Privacy Policy is in addition to Council's existing Privacy Statement and has been developed to enhance the requirements of Information Privacy Principle (IPP5) not captured in the Privacy Statement and provide a clearer understanding of the collection and handing of personal information by Council.
The policy has been developed based on the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner's (OVIC's) guidance about what a Privacy Policy should contain, which includes:
- an organisation’s main functions and types of personal information it generally collects to fulfil those functions;
- how the organisation uses and shares the personal information it collects, including the types of third parties in the information it may be shared with;
- whether collection of personal information is compulsory or optional (including referring to any relevant legislation that authorises the collection, use or disclosure of the information);
- how the organisation securely stores and manages access to the personal information and for how long it may be stored;
- how privacy is protected if the information is shared outside Victoria; and
- how an individual can contact the organisation.